Open Letter from AFL-CIO President Trumka to UVa President Sullivan

On March 2, 2012, AFL-CIO President Donald Trumka sent an open letter to UVa’s President Teresa Sullivan. Here are some highlights:

While it may be financially convenient to outsource labor to meet the “needs” of the university, it does not relieve you of the obligation to ensure that equal pay is guaranteed for equal work[ [for contract employees]. This is both an inherent human right and an American value, one that an institution of your caliber should willingly support.”

“The AFL-CIO, on behalf of the 12.2 million members of our affiliated unions, stand in solidarity with the students who participated in this hunger strike — and with all who seek a greater voice and the ability to earn a fair wage for a full day’s work. We urge you to take immediate steps to address the needs of all your employees.”

The letter can be read in full here: President Trumka letter to President Sullivan

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