In The News

Feb. 25th, 2011: Campaign organizer and U.Va. student Erin Franey speaks with reporters

Recent news articles regarding Workers and Students United and the Living Wage Campaign at UVA:

We’re on Wikipedia!

One Response to In The News

  1. jane goette says:

    Please send me a thumbnail fact sheet. There are many people who support this cause and would be willing to make calls and/or send emails to key people but don’t have the time to read through all the Living Wage information available on the website. Can you provide a short synopsis with the link to send a message to all the key people at once? Also, please identify the ways you want people outside of Charlottesville to lend their support. Donations? Mass emails? Attendance at Wed. and/or Fri. demonstrations for those who live driving distance?
    Bottom line: Make it as easy as possible for people who support this cause to do so with the limited time and energy they have. Your guidance is needed.
    If I hear back from you, I will make sure the information is shared with various friends, family and sympathetic political groups in my area.
    Thank you for all you are doing!
    Jane Goette


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